Outcomes and Implications

At the core of this endeavour is the experiment in which a new compound is introduced to the growing plant. If this results in failure, i.e. no desired result is detected; the failure is recorded for future reference. If it results in success we should break down the success into its components:

A new method to synthesize known and new drugs

Globally, current policy understanding is led by the USA and US legislators who define consumed goods (food or medicines) as natural or unnatural. Natural falls under the DSHEA Act while unnatural falls under the FDA act. The highly dichotomous nature of this understanding creates a strong disparity with regards to novel medicines. HAP eases this disparity by providing an inherently safe technique for additional players to participate in medical innovation.
Creation of additional small-business minded alternatives to Big Pharma

 Big Pharma's focus is on high-cost, high-profit products. Consequently, remote or marginalized populations, as well as rare diseases and conditions are ignored. Without HAP, this shortcoming is not likely to change in the foreseeable future. HAP is based on an online community generating business opportunities for grassroots entrepreneurs that are inherently community-oriented (like CSA's). 

Substantially increasing the size of global pharmacopeia

By harnessing the latent potential of silent metabolism, HAP can multiply the diversity of treatments used in alleviating medical or physiological conditions of concern. A higher diversity of treatments translates into more options of care which translates into more hope which translates to a higher quality of life, and serves to stimulate the economy.

Decentralized medicine production

The current ratio of producers to consumers for modern pharmaceuticals is ~10M:1. By reducing entry barriers of costs and permissions, HAP has the potential to create many small service providers that confer easier access to more people in need of medicine.

Connecting more people with plants and bringing horticulture to urban areas

Greening of urban environments and peoples exposure and ability to access green spaces has scientifically demonstrable effects on health and wellbeing.

Harnessing more of humanity in preserving biodiversity

The HaPpening Community Network educates for horticulture and ecological thinking. It promotes connecting to other humans through shared interest in plants.

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