Foundational Benefits


HAP Advantage

HAP is more sustainable

Organic chemistry generally requires lots of resource intensive inputs. Compound synthesis is a almost always a multi-step process, and each reagent at each step generally requires lots of resources to produce, harvest, or extract. Certain catalysts or reagents in organic chemistry produce harmful byproducts. Organic chemistry also often requires the manipulation of environmental parameters such as temperature or pressure, making for energy-demanding processes. By contrast, enzymatic chemistry generally operates best at standard temperature and pressure, and requires less inputs for reagents and for catalyzing reactions.

HAP is more accurate

Ethambutol is a drug that is used to treat TB. however only one enantiomer is effective as a treatment, while the other can cause blindness. Organic chemistry requires extra steps of analysis and chiral resolution to create an enantiopure drug. However, due to the highly specific symmetry and configuration of enzymes, enzymatic chemistry can easily produce enantiopure drugs and determine chirality with ease.
Learn more about the science behind enzymatic chemistry and HAP.

HAP is more accessible

Currently, most people are reliant on the industrial medicine complex for their drugs and medicines. HAP puts the production in the hands of the people and small, community-minded businesses. This allows individuals to have more freedom and control over their health and their medicines, providing a complimentary pathway to large pharmaceutical companies and standardized healthcare.
Learn more about the implications of HAP here.
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